Woodlands Nursery Print
In which a woodsy wallpaper and a woodlands nursery inspires this idea of a mostly monochrome print for any little one who wants to be brave and explore.
Nursery photography by Karina Jade Photography shared by Tiny Tribe Magazine
Oftentimes ideas I have for potential prints in my Etsy store don't always see the light of day. I like to play with my sketchbook or Photoshop, tug at a thread of inspiration I picked up somewhere...but it might not lead anywhere. In the spirit of being creatively brave I'm sharing one of these potential prints with you...along with this nursery for Dale and Sophie's little one Van Byron Vine. How delicious is that wallpaper?! It immediately made me think of Where the Wild Things Are. Turns out Dale and Sophie started out with the wallpaper and the rest flowed from there.
I've had a big craving for monochrome lately...with just a hint of colour...uneven lines and smatterings of paint...the natural imperfections of woodgrain and vintage typewriter text that encourages exploring...from backyard tents to beaches and beyond.
Interested in customising this print with a name of your choice? Let's talk :)
The text reads...
be brave & explore. run barefoot & climb. build forts. cubbies.
listen to the rain on the roof of your tent.
watch the stars shoot across the night sky & dream of your tomorrows...
I had fun brainstorming with this one...hand drawing various little arrows, using wood grain stamping, real paint splatters (that's why my white mac keyboard now looks a bit splotchy!) and my hand-edited variation of a favourite font. Plus, who can go past any typewriter look lettering...not me!
Check out some more gorgeous pics of Sophie and Dale's nursery via Tiny Tribe Magazine's feature...
Nursery photography by Karina Jade Photography as shared by Tiny Tribe Magazine
I'd like to build a collection based on the boldness (and easy colour co-ordination!) of blacks and whites with little hints of colour. I'll see where this takes me...in the meantime if you're interested...sign up to my newsletter below and you'll be the first to know when this is in store! Otherwise, you can find me mostly on instagram, a LOT on Pinterest, and sometimes on Facebook using the links below :)