

I’m Tania and I live in Bendigo, Victoria (Australia) with my sports crazy husband Luke & our dog (aka my studio manager) Winston.  

I've always had a love for storytelling. As soon as I could write + draw I "self-published" an entire series of books (including binding with copious amounts of string and glue) heavily influenced by Enid Blyton's Famous Five meets The Chronicles of Narnia. Those works of primary school art are buried in storage somewhere now. Not where 4-year-old-me pictured them finishing up!

Fast forward to today...and I love combining illustration, animation, words, sounds and movement to tell your stories. It's the perfect intersection of my 13+ years in IT (i.e. I love nutting out the technology side), a heavy addiction to Photoshop ...and my obsession: After Effects + iPad + Apple Pencil *swoon*