Winter Is Coming
In which I play with making my own fonts, sketching some of my favourite things about winter...and sharing them as a downloadable print if you happen to love winter as much as I do :)
(Note: today was crazy cold hey! Maybe I need to revise my statement to say there are things I love about winter, but I'm not necessarily in love with winter all the time :)
Conditions of Use: © Petit Pixel Design - for personal/non-commercial use only. If you'd like to share this print that would be lovely, however please do so by linking back to this blog post and including my preview photos only, not the original printable files. Thanks :)
Lately I've been trying to stretch myself a bit creatively. First I tried making a few fonts following Elsie's guidelines in this post by A Beautiful Mess. It's so easy...all you need is an iPad app and a stylus (or your finger!) for tracing letters on the screen. I found it quite addictive actually...or maybe the word is should try it out :)
Then I signed up for Skillshare...which is basically a site where you can take online classes that include projects...from people who are awesome at what they Molly Jacques Introduction to the Art of Calligraphy...and Anne Ditmeyer (of Pret-a-Voyager!) who runs a class on Map Making: Learning to Communication Places Beautifully. The classes are on all kinds of stuff (not just design based) and you can buy classes individually (about $20), or have a monthly subscription ($9.95) for unlimited classes. Sometimes they run offers where you can try the first month for free etc. so keep an eye on their social media feeds. Needless to say my wish list is growing at an alarming rate :) Also - this is not a sponsored/affiliate post...just me professing my love for the mantra of Skillshare...stay curious. I want to be one of those 80 year olds that never stops learning stuff!
Anyway I took Digital Illustration: Doodles to Designs, by NYC illustrator Jon Burgerman and used it to make the above little print. Nothing fancy...just me and some fine liners...a scanner, a tablet...Photoshop and a gorgeous photo of a quilt taken by the ever lovely Kara Haupt.
I don't watch Game of Thrones but I couldn't resist using the tag line and adding it to some of my sketches about wintery things. The text (larger on the printable version!) reads:
pause to splash in a puddle or listen to the rain on the roof // snuggle in your uggs // more excuses for random hot chocolates and coffees on your travels // catch up on that pile of books that never gets any smaller // bed socks with pom-poms are the new onesie...wear them with pride (and polka dot pajamas!)
You can download the original file (1.2MB) here by clicking the little download arrow in the top left corner once Google Docs opens.
Loved this video by Skillshare.
What's your favourite thing about winter? Or...if you hate can vent about that here too...judgement free zone! :)
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