I Really Ought To Do Something...
In which I've been playing around with pencils, my tablet & Photoshop, and come up with two prints you might like to download :) Basically it's a mish-mash of my favourite things...the uber popular Australian TV show Offspring, blog browsing, pajamas, tea drinking*, lettering inspired by the Love Love font of A Beautiful Mess, and using the colour palette (and some digital papers) from One Little Bird's `La Belle Vie' kit.
The prints are 8x10 sized JPG files...so you could get a photo print from Officeworks (or your home printer)...but the two examples I've photographed were just printed onto regular A4 paper...slightly textured because up close it looks nicer that way :) Never fear, if you are yet to be hooked on Offspring or have no idea what I'm talking about...I made a special print for you too. I took a guess that you might like reading blogs and drinking tea in your pajamas...
So, I hope you like them as much as I had fun making them :) See below for the download links...
Conditions of Use: © Petit Pixel Design - for personal/non-commercial use only. If you'd like to share these prints that would be lovely, however please do so by linking back to this blog post and including my preview photos only, not the original printable files. Thanks :)
Patrick & Nina (3.4MB) - download here
Blogs & Tea (3.7MB) - download here
*Anyone who knows me in real life knows I don't drink tea...but I figure I'm in the minority and I designed it for you so tea it was...I would've put `Italian Hot Chocolate' but there wasn't enough space :)
If you're curious about the TV show...season one preview below...no spoilers...and a trip down memory lane for the rest of us!
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