June Around Here
An old camera, lots of dogs, Imagine Dragons & a mysterious clunk...all part of June around here...
Recent Instagram likes...
- I've been falling more in love with Instagram than I ever thought I would. Sometimes I like to browse stuff I've liked & see if there's a pattern over time. I think we can pretty much say the pattern is `can't scroll past a dog, something made of sugar, and anything stationery' :) Still undecided about the whole videos on Instagram thing. I like when people post interesting `behind the scenes' stuff...but not stuff just because they can. Discovered the `don't auto play' button which was awesome.
- It's been cold. I've been telling myself `suck it up Princess' because it will be this cold and then some in New York...better get used to it now!
- Cups of tea and road trips (followed by more cups of tea) at grandparent's houses. Surprise visits caught on camera really are the best :)
- I've been trying to figure out if there's a way I could become a professional bruncher...I really could wander from cafe to cafe on weekends as my full time job if anyone knows of any openings in whatever field it was that I just invented!
- Found a sweet little old-school camera at an op-shop. Not sure what I'm going to do with it yet...but I have picked up a few ideas off Pinterest. It may or may not be appearing in the next Bendigo Magazine piece ;)
- Somehow I have lost the ability to smile in selfies...must be the concentration involved in finding the `take the photo' button...note to self...smile more! :) (taken at Nan & Pa's)
- Coffees and magazines & hedgehog...these thing should always be within arms reach on weekends!
- Footy. Footy. Footy. Brief break for NBA Draft, followed by more Footy! The antidote to this is catching up on old Grey's episodes...the 100th episode of Real Housewives of OC (yup, I went there)...and Safe Haven.
- Feeling: unsettled...not sure why. Reading: The Age iPad app...fallen in love with it again. Listening to: Imagine Dragons, Daft Punk, Ane Brun, Pnau. Excited about: Two upcoming Melbourne trips followed by Tasmania! Working on: some print ideas...also found a printer to get test prints through...excited about that. Documenting: not enough...need to get my Project Life buzz back. Noticing: the mysterious clunk in our clothes dryer has disappeared as suddenly as it arrived. Cooking: Pelmeni (dumpling style), corn fritters, puddings :) Pinning: see below...
Recent pins...
Don't forget to let me know what you've been up to via social media using the links below :)
Design Resources: Beautiful Mess photo app
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