Thank You Banana Bread
In which I share my dislike of baking with bananas, and then the most awesome banana bread recipe of all time...which I just baked for say thank you for enduring my special brand of maid-of-honour craziness lately...
Confession time...I'm not a big fan of banana all. Actually the only time I ever eat bananas is on top of cereal, and even then only in small bites. At the risk of sounding princessy, I hate the smell & the squishy-ness...and somehow my Mum always has one in her handbag as a travel snack...just perfect for a confined space! I'm always disappointed when it's included on a dessert menu in an otherwise delicious sounding dish. I love crepes but they almost always come with banana, and no amount of butterscotch sauce can balance it out. All of the above results in me hardly ever making banana bread, and I just so happen to be married to the biggest banana bread fan there is....he grew up on it thanks to his grandmother and her `never written down' recipe :)
So, when I make it, it's a big deal in our house...and this week I decided to pull out all the stops and make Martha Stewart's Sour Cream & Pecan Banana Bread (with choc-chips added by me, because that's how I roll). Why go all out I hear you ask? Because I needed to say thank you to Luke...
- for the last three months of crazy....from the moment my sister got engaged to the wedding last weekend there has been feverish Pinterest browsing and late into the night Skype calls...lofty plans sketched in notebooks that involved fairy lights & twine and broomsticks (don't ask...the broomstick structure never made it past planning stages)
- for my taking off to Spotlight `to pick up a ribbon or two' which ended up in me being gone for hours and coming home with enough party supplies to sink a small dinghy
- for the many many trips to pick up weekend coffees scattered over the last three months...mostly from Brewhouse but lastly from Red Star Cafe in Hepburn Springs on the morning of the wedding
- for watching me bake all kinds of delicious treats for the bridal shower...then throwing a few into the freezer for you and taking the vast majority off to Ballarat
- for not minding me testing out various bridal-shower-fairy-light-trestle-table scenarios in the living room where you watch footy on Foxtel...(man-caves should not have to put up with fairy lights!)
- for following me around on the day of the wedding with a giant tote bag that weighed over which I had thrown clutches/cameras/ballet flats/emergency dress repair kits...and enough bottled water to float a small dinghy
- for dealing with my "I'm-the-maid-of-honour-everything-must-be-perfect" type A personality
You are the best, the only person who can truly calm my nerves, and you deserve far more banana cake than I could ever bake. I promise to get over my fear of mashing overly ripe bananas and bake more often :)
Design Resources: Mossy font, Lauren Reid Trademark label